LiMPETS Students Learn About Important Climate Topics

February 9, 2021

In a typical year, our LiMPETS Monitoring Program would bring middle school through college students to the coast for hands-on lessons about intertidal habitats and real-world data collection. While that wasn’t possible last year, the Program continued successfully online. Most recently, high school students in the LiMPETS Program joined virtual field trips focused on rocky intertidal and sandy beach ecosystems. The online programs implemented curriculum improvements (funded by NOAA B-WET) that incorporate the impacts of climate and ocean change on these important ecosystems. Students learned how ocean acidification, sea level rise, and changing temperatures are affecting coastal marine ecosystems. Teachers of participating students have expressed appreciation for continued online engagement.

“I think the climate change piece was excellent. It was embedded in a way so that it wasn’t overwhelming [with] built in fun things with the animals woven together very nicely. I think the students picked up on new ideas and have deeper knowledge.” – A participating teacher

Engaging students in ocean climate topics is a key priority for LiMPETS and the Association. Learn more about LiMPETS and our work to build a more resilient ocean and coast