The Bolinas Lagoon South End Living Shoreline Project is a joint project of Greater Farallones Association (GFA) and Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (GFNMS) that aims to restore wetland, marsh and upland zones in areas with undeveloped uplands to provide vital feeding, nesting, and roosting habitat for migratory and resident birds, while enabling long-term marsh upslope migration for climate adaptation and resilience.
GFA is pleased to announce the release of the Bolinas Lagoon South End Living Shoreline Feasibility Study Request for Proposals (RFP).
GFA seeks the services of a multidisciplinary team of professional consultants to prepare a Feasibility Study for the Bolinas Lagoon South End Living Shoreline Project. The study should identify feasible, cost-effective, and ecologically beneficial nature-based restoration alternatives for the southern shoreline of Bolinas Lagoon in Marin County, California.
Primary contact for submissions: Sara Hutto,
We look forward to working with potential respondents, the community and stakeholders on advancing this important project.